Build the future you want with an excellent, affordable Christian education.

From a vibrant, supportive community to high-quality academics, PCC will give you the tools to fulfill your unique goals.

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Succeed Academically

Grow Spiritually

Save Financially

Empowering you to influence your world for Christ

Excellent, Bible-based academics

A distinctively Christian-traditional and practical liberal arts education—where every class is taught from a solid biblical worldview

Pensacola Christian College is accredited through the Transnational Association of Christian Schools.

Start Your Future

Succeed Academically

Faculty with decades of teaching and field experience—from Wall Street to Carnegie Hall—all fully invested in your academic and spiritual success

Expert Christian faculty

From a personal faculty advisor and flexible tutoring options to one-on-one writing guidance

Quality academic support

Our engineering and nursing programs hold programmatic accreditation.

“My teachers have been there for me anytime I have had questions and have always done their absolute best to help me succeed. I am grateful that nothing but my best was expected because I know that is what it will take for me to succeed in life.

Being here stretched me and helped me to step outside my comfort zone. PCC has pushed me to do my best in everything.”


Daily chapel services

Inspiring and challenging messages from pastors, missionaries, and special guest speakers

Welcoming local church

Find true Christian community at Campus Church and get plugged in to Christian ministries like choir, nursery, Master Clubs, and more.

Diverse outreach opportunities

Over 50 student-led ministries and multiple campus-wide volunteer events

Grow Spiritually

Low tuition rates

One year at PCC costs $15,068 for tuition, room, and board—a fraction of private or public university tuition—while maintaining the quality you're looking for.

Save Financially

Save up to $8,000 with countless scholarships and two low-interest loan options.

Flexible financial aid

Earn between $3,000 and $7,500 each year working in the on-campus Work Assistance Program. You could join the 82% of PCC alumni who have graduated completely debt-free!

On-campus jobs available

Ready to get started?

“I came to PCC not knowing what to expect. I came to school to learn about computer science, but God has shown me that there is so much more to learn. He has shown me that PCC isn’t just about studying and getting good grades; it’s about learning more about our personal God through amazing preachers and growing in my relationship with Him.”


The Work Assistance Program at PCC has been a major blessing to me and my family. After four years, not only do I get to graduate with a degree, but I also get to leave with a skill that I know I can use for the rest of my life. These skills will help me in whatever the Lord has for my life. The Work Assistance Program has also taught me proper time management and work ethics that will carry on through my future career.


Influence Your World



Join the thousands of PCC alumni serving in their chosen fields and ministries—as Christian leaders, influencing their world for Christ.

Start Your Future Today


Answers in Genesis




Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)






Sight & Sound Theatres


The White House

U.S. Department of Defense